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 la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence.

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yanis la chouette

Nombre de messages : 15757
Localisation : http://yanis.tignard.free.fr/
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2005

la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence. Empty
MessageSujet: la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence.   la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence. EmptyMer 18 Juil à 9:46

Cidadãos de Moçambique @cidadaosmz
2 h il y a 2 heures
Três meses após a queda da ponte sobre o rio Inhangome, eis que o Governo do distrito de Quelimane...

Sécurité Civile Fr @SecCivileFrance 17 juil.
Aujourd'hui deux démineurs de @SecCivileFrance en retour de mission blessés
dans un accident de la route dont l'un des deux grièvement.
Le Préfet J Witkowski et tous les personnels de @SecCivileFrance
leur souhaitent un prompt rétablissement et leur apportent leur #soutien

Valérie Boyer Compte certifié @valerieboyer13
6 h il y a 6 heures
Nous ne pouvons pas combattre ceux qui souhaitent établir
une société wahhabite en #Syrie et continuer d'entretenir
des liens d'armement avec ceux que nos ennemis prennent pour modèle,
je veux parler de l'Arabie Saoudite #DirectAN #AffairesEtrangères

Кирилл Застрожный @Zastrognyi_K 6 h il y a 6 heures
Н увот и пришло время обьявить Моего Трёхтысячного Читателя,
ей стала Ирина Титова, которая'любит красоту во всех проявлениях' У
нас в галерее проявлений настояшей красоты просто ну оч много,
поэтому такой тонкий читатель особо ценен, спасибо Ирина,
спасибо всем вам за внимание!

RFI Compte certifié @RFI 10 h il y a 10 heures
🇳🇮 Nicaragua: Assaut des forces progouvernementales sur la ville rebelle de Masaya.
►La population mobilisée contre le président Ortéga.
►Déjà près de 300 morts depuis 3 mois.
►Le Vatican très préoccupé.
🎧 A l'écoute 6hTU #RFImatin #Afriquematin 👇

RFI Compte certifié @RFI
13 min il y a 13 minutes
Sénégal: Khalifa Sall reste en prison http://rfi.my/2uZz.t
Sports: Alger accueille les Jeux Africains de la Jeunesse 2018 http://rfi.my/2uZy.t
France/Attentats du 13-Novembre: le recours de victimes
contre les «défaillances» de l'Etat rejeté :


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yanis la chouette

Nombre de messages : 15757
Localisation : http://yanis.tignard.free.fr/
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2005

la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence.   la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence. EmptyMer 18 Juil à 9:52

HT Entertainment
‏Compte certifié @htshowbiz
51 minil y a 51 minutes
When a jury member thought Priyanka Chopra was too dark or too light
to be crowned Miss India http://read.ht/Bqnf

Gladiator - Now We Are Free...

Cidadãos de Moçambique @cidadaosmz
Três meses após a queda da ponte sobre o rio Inhangome, eis que o Governo do distrito de Quelimane.

À l'origine en portugais, traduit par Microsoft
Pour Libertad.
Citoyens du Mozambique @cidadaosmz @ttps://t.co/jiWAEkWsxk
trois mois après la chute du pont sur la rivière Inhangome,
voici le gouvernement du district de Quelimane.
Floraison œuf vient de la prévoyance de ses parents
et de la clémence du temps.

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yanis la chouette

Nombre de messages : 15757
Localisation : http://yanis.tignard.free.fr/
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2005

la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence.   la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence. EmptyMer 18 Juil à 10:06

On 19 September 1912, during the Nicaraguan civil war of 1912, Nicaraguan rebel forces opened fire on American Marines and sailors passing through the city on their way to Granada. This became known as the Battle of Masaya.[

Nicaragua: violente opération contre Masaya la ville rebelle
AFP / MARVIN RECINOS Enterrement d'une victime tuées par les forces progouvernementales à Masaya, ville rebelle du icaragua à 35 km de Managua, le 16 juillet 2018

Rafales d'armes automatiques, cris, cloches sonnant pour alerter la population: Masaya, la ville la plus rebelle du Nicaragua, était mardi matin sous le feu des forces progouvernementales de ce pays secoué par des manifestations violemment réprimées qui ont fait des centaines de morts.

"Ils attaquent Monimbo (un quartier de Masaya)! Les balles atteignent la paroisse de Marie-Madeleine, où le prêtre s'est réfugié", a écrit sur Twitter l'évêque auxiliaire de Managua, Silvio Baez, appelant le président nicaraguayen Daniel Ortega à "arrêter ce massacre".

Sur les vidéos et enregistrements publiés sur les réseaux sociaux, on peut entendre des tirs nourris et des cris. Des habitants et des journalistes locaux rapportent la présence d'hommes cagoulés équipés de fusils d'assaut Kalachnikov et "M16", ainsi que de francs-tireurs.
AFP / Francois Walschaerts Paul Oquist, le ministre nicaraguayen chargé des politiques nationales à Bruxelles, le 17 juillet 2018

"La bonne nouvelle en provenance du Nicaragua est que le coup d'État a échoué, c'est-à-dire que la tentative de coup d'Etat au Nicaragua est déjà vaincue", a affirmé mardi à Bruxelles Paul Oquist, le ministre nicaraguayen chargé des politiques nationales, dans un entretien à l'AFP.

"Il n'y a plus de barrages routiers", "les étudiants peuvent retourner en cours", a-t-il soutenu. Le gouvernement qualifie les manifestants de "putschistes" et de "délinquants".

Cette incursion, rebaptisée par l'opposition "opération nettoyage", cible le quartier indigène de Monimbo, où la population est fortement mobilisée contre le gouvernement. Des barricades allant jusqu'à deux mètres ont été élevées dans cette ville de 100.000 habitants.

Au bruit des rafales, provenant des différentes entrées à la ville, s'est mêlé celui des cloches des églises afin d'alerter la population, ont raconté des habitants en appelant des radios de la capitale, Managua.
AFP / Nicaragua

"Ils sont en train de mitrailler les maisons de manière irresponsable, le message est +celui qui sort sa tête, on le tue+, c'est un message de terreur. Ce qui m'inquiète le plus ce sont les enfants, les femmes enceinte et les personnes âgées", a déclaré le secrétaire de l'Association nicaraguayenne des droits de l'homme (ANPDH), Alvaro Leiva.

Une quarantaine de pick-up avec à bord un millier d'hommes des forces anti-émeutes et de paramilitaires fortement armés sont entrés au petit matin dans Masaya, situé à une trentaine de kilomètres de la capitale, selon les habitants. Les accès à la ville étaient bloqués et les journalistes empêchés de passer.

- "Le monde regarde" -

"On nous attaque avec des armes lourdes, c'est une des opérations les plus violentes lancées contre Masaya, on entend des détonations et des tirs de mitrailleuses", a déclaré à l'AFP le dirigeant du mouvement étudiant du "19 avril", Cristian Fajardo.

Les habitants résistent "avec des mortiers artisanaux et des pierres", a-t-il ajouté.
AFP / MARVIN RECINOS Un manifestant de l'opposition à Masaya, au Nicaragua, le 11 juillet 2018

Six civils et quatre policiers avaient trouvé la mort dimanche dans des opérations des forces de police et paramilitaires à Masaya et ses environs.

Ce nouvel affrontement intervient au moment où la communauté internationale réclame l'arrêt de la répression.

Les Etats-Unis ont "fermement" exhorté mardi le président du Nicaragua à cesser cette attaque. "La violence et le bain de sang initiés par le gouvernement doivent cesser immédiatement", a déclaré sur Twitter un haut responsable du département d'Etat chargé des Amériques, Francisco Palmieri.

L'Union européenne a aussi demandé mardi la "fin immédiate" de la violence au Nicaragua et exigé le démantèlement des groupes armés irréguliers, dans une déclaration publiée au cours d'une réunion avec les pays de la Communauté des Etats d'Amérique Latine et des Caraïbes (CELAC) à Bruxelles.

La veille, 13 pays d'Amérique latine et l'ONU avaient réclamé la cessation immédiate des violences au Nicaragua.

Le Nicaragua, pays le plus pauvre d'Amérique centrale, est secoué depuis trois mois par des violences qui ont fait plus de 280 morts et quelque 2.000 blessés.

Un mouvement de protestation, dont les étudiants sont le fer de lance, a été lancé le 18 avril contre le gouvernement de Daniel Ortega, ex-guérillero de 72 ans, à la tête du Nicaragua depuis 2007 après l'avoir déjà dirigé de 1979 à 1990.

Il est accusé d'avoir mis en place avec son épouse Rosario Murillo, qui occupe les fonctions de vice-présidente, une "dictature" marquée par la corruption et le népotisme. Ses adversaires demandent des élections anticipées ou son départ.

Dietzenbach, Germany. Volcán Masaya National Park is a popular tourist site.
Coyotepe is an old fortress located on a sharp hill from where it takes its name
which has now been converted into a museum. La Asunción church in the Central Park
of Masaya.

Hijo de la Luna - Mecano.
On 19 September 1912, during the Nicaraguan civil war of 1912,
Nicaraguan rebel forces opened fire on American Marines
and sailors passing through the city on their way to Granada.
This became known as the Battle of Masaya.

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yanis la chouette

Nombre de messages : 15757
Localisation : http://yanis.tignard.free.fr/
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2005

la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence.   la rivière Inhangome, la ville de Masaya et L'innocence. EmptyMer 18 Juil à 10:19

Masaya (Spanish pronunciation: [maˈsaʝa]) is the capital city of Masaya department in Nicaragua. It is situated approximately 14 km west of Granada and 31 km southeast from Managua.

The town of Masaya is just east of Masaya Volcano, an active volcano from which the city takes its name. With an estimated population of 140,000 (2005), it is Nicaragua's third most populous city, and it is culturally known as the City of Flowers.[1][2]

1 History
2 Production
3 Attractions
4 Masaya Volcano
5 Apoyo Lake
6 Coyotepe Fortress
7 Gastronomy
8 Notable people
9 Town twinning
10 See also
11 Notes and references
12 External links


On 19 September 1912, during the Nicaraguan civil war of 1912, Nicaraguan rebel forces opened fire on American Marines and sailors passing through the city on their way to Granada. This became known as the Battle of Masaya.[3][4][5]

Masaya is located centrally to a large agricultural production region in Nicaragua. Much of the production from the departments of Masaya and Carazo and the surrounding areas is shipped through Masaya on its way north, towards Managua and Leon. Masaya is also a notable industrial center, producing footwear and clothing. Other industries in the city include the processing of fiber and the manufacture of cigars, leather products, soap, and starch. Many of the communities surrounding Masaya produce hardwood and wicker furniture, and there is a neighborhood in Masaya near the lake dedicated to the production of hammocks.

Masaya is known as "The Cradle of Nicaraguan Folklore" and is the very heart of Nicaraguan handicrafts. The main market in Masaya is located next to the central bus station. The market is divided into sections, with each section serving a different need. Aside from unique Nicaraguan products such as hand woven hammocks, embroidered blouses, wood carvings, and hemp weaving the market is very diverse. An entire section of the market is dedicated to selling electronic devices and clothing, while another area is reserved for raw meat. Everything is available in the market from hardware and beauty supplies to produce from the surrounding area.
Masaya Market Castle

The Mercardo de Artesanias (Craft Market) is located inside what used to be the "mercado viejo" (old market), a 1900s structure that is located near the center of the city and a couple of blocks away from the general population market. This market has been revitalized and set as a tourist spot, where crafts from Masaya and other areas of Nicaragua can be found. In addition, every Thursday night there is a Noche de Verbena or Night of Revelry, where folkloric dances are presented.
Wall in Masaya

Masaya is noted for the annual fall fiesta of San Jerónimo which features folkloric dances and other street processions, such as the carnivalesque "Torovenado" celebrations, which often have groups and individuals who perform satires of local and national political figures.
Street view of Masaya
Near the Parque San Jerónimo

The historical city center has open plazas and two large 16th century baroque architecture churches: the Assumption's Parish Church, and St. Gerome's Church. But there are other colonial gems like St. John's, St. John Bosco's, and St. Michael's.

Masaya is actually the name of one of Nicaragua's Departments, which the city of Masaya is the head of. In addition to Masaya, the department includes the municipal cities of Catarina, Nindirí, Masatepe, Tisma, Niquinohomo, Nandasmo, San Juan de Oriente and La Concepción.
Masaya Volcano
Main article: Masaya Volcano
View of Masaya Volcano

Volcán Masaya National Park is a popular tourist site. It has a small museum and tourist information. Tour guides and proper equipment are provided for treks inside bat caves created by lava flows from past eruptions. Today, lava can be visible in the volcano’s crater. Masaya is the most active volcano in the region. It is actually made up of two volcanoes: Masaya and Nindirí with a total of five craters. The Spanish first described the volcano in 1524 and believed the belching lava to be melting gold. But when Fray Bartolomé de las Casas first saw it he called it the "Gates of Hell". Since then, Masaya Volcano has erupted at least 19 times. From 1965 to 1979 the volcano contained an active lava lake. The last reported eruption event was in 2003, when a plume reportedly shot ~4.6 km into the air. Masaya is an unusual basaltic volcano because it has had explosive eruptions. An eruption in 4550 B.C. was one of the largest on Earth in the last 10,000 years.
Apoyo Lake

The City of Masaya is also located west of a large, deep crater lake named "Apoyo". which is part of the Apoyo Lagoon Natural Reserve. This lake is a popular attraction in the area, and is host to several hostels and small resorts. Apoyo's crater measures four miles wide and over 656 feet deep. Major activities include fishing, water sports and scuba diving.[6] Archaeological researchers have found evidence of pre-colonial occupation.[citation needed]
Coyotepe Fortress
Coyotepe Fortress cell

Coyotepe is an old fortress located on a sharp hill from where it takes its name which has now been converted into a museum. Built at the turn of the 20th century by President José S Celaya, this site witnessed a fierce battle on October 2–4, 1912, when a Nicaraguan rebel force led by General Benjamín Zeledón occupying Coyotepe and another hill overlooking the strategic rail line, Barranca, refused to surrender to government troops under President Adolfo Díaz. U.S. Marine Major Smedley Butler's marine battalion, that Zeledón's rebels had skirmished with on September, 19, returning from Granada, Nicaragua on October 3, shelled the rebel stronghold on Coyotepe. During the pre-dawn hours on October 4, Butler's battalion, in concert with two marine battalions and one from the USS California led by marine Colonel Joseph H. Pendleton converged from different positions to storm the hill and capture it.[7] Dictator Anastasio Somoza rehabilitated the fortress in the late 1930s as a prison where political opponents or anyone suspected of plotting received particularly cruel treatment or the death penalty. Also General Benjamín Celedón was killed, at the age of 33, and his dead body dragged from a trotting horse, to instill fear among the population and to prevent a potential uprising. But quite to the contrary, Celedón's death was the spark that inspired Augusto C Sandino and other famous figures to fight for 7 years, in the Segovias in the Northern Nicaraguan mountains, against the cruel invaders. For many years Coyotepe remained a military outpost but it was given away to the Boy Scouts Association by the 1970s. The fortress has 43 jail cells, 28 of them on the upper floor, where windows let the air and sunlight in. Each of the upper floor cells could contain from 15 to 20 prisoners, sometimes even more. The basement cells, on the other hand, resembled a dungeon for they were dark, damp, stuffy, and cramped so prisoners would lose track of time and inevitably ended up with psychological trauma. In all, there were about 1,000 prisoners at any one time. Nevertheless, as time went on, the site was abandoned from 1983 to 1992. During that period, there were rumours among the population that Coyotepe was used as a sanctuary for Satanic practices for there was no proper security. Finally, the new neoliberal governments that won the elections in 1990, finally returned Coyotepe to the Boy Scouts Association.

Masaya boasts a varied culinary tradition based on pre-Columbian recipes. However, the most famous Masayan dishes are Nacatamal, Vaho, and yucca. Nacatamal, is a giant tamal so it's a full meal on its own right. Nacatamals are made of corn flour sprinkled with annato and salt, and mixed with pork, bacon, a bit of rice, potato slices, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, mint, Congo chilis, and prunes. Then everything is covered in plantain leaves, tied up with ropes, and boiled for a couple of hours on a giant pot. Due to their large size, Nacatamals are normally eaten at breakfast or supper with a loaf of bread and black coffee to help with digestion. Now, Vaho is another heavy, hearty meal. So it is normally eaten at lunch to allow for digestion the rest of the day. It consists of thick, long slices of cecina (salted, dried beef) marinated in sour orange juice. Then, the cecina is mixed with yucca, green plantains, ripe plantains, tomatoes, onions, garlic, cabbage, and placed on a pot with the interior walls lined with plantain leaves, and then covered with the same leaves and a lid, and steamed very slowly. Vaho is eaten with a side of big, thick Nicaraguan tortillas, and a light natural fruit drink like linaza, chía, or maracuyá. Yucca tubers are essential to Masayan food whether boiled, steamed, fried, or broiled and used in many different dishes such as Vigorón. Vigorón consists of boiled yucca, topped with sweet-and-sour cabbage cut into strips, diced tomatoes, onions, green currants, Congo chilis, vinegar, and salt.
Notable people

Enrique Bolaños, former Nicaraguan president
Olga Núñez Abaunza, first Nicaraguan female lawyer
Franck de las Mercedes, visual artist

Town twinning

Brazil - Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Germany - Dietzenbach, Germany
United Kingdom - Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Netherlands - Nijmegen, Netherlands
United States - North Plainfield, New Jersey, United States
Beloit, Wisconsin (USA)[8]
Cartago. Costa Rica.

See also

Benemerito Cuerpo de Bomberos de Masaya

Notes and references

Perez, Max; Quintero, Glenda and Amoretty, Ezequiel. "Masaya la "Ciudad de las Flores"" [Masaya "the City of Flowers"] (in Spanish). Inside Managua. Archived from the original on 18 February 2018.
Garcia, Nary (6 December 2009). "Bailes de Negras: tradición y cultura" [Black Dances: tradition and culture]. El Nuevo Diario (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 18 February 2018.
Musicant, Ivan (1990). The Banana Wars: A History of United States Military Intervention in Latin America from the Spanish–American War to the Invasion of Panama. New York: Macmillan. pp. 150–151. ISBN 978-0-02-588210-2.
Clark, George Bransfield (2001). With the Old Corps in Nicaragua. Novato, California: Presidio Press. p. 12. ISBN 978-0-89141-737-8.
Langley, Lester D. (1983). The Banana Wars: An Inner History of American Empire, 1900–1934. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky. p. 68. ISBN 978-0-8131-1496-5.
Bundschuh, Jochen; et al. (2007). "Chapter 34: Geology-related tourism for sustainable development". In Bundschuh, Jochen; Alvarado, Guillermo E. Central America: Geology, resources and hazards (PDF). 2. London: Taylor & Francis. pp. 1014–1098, page 1022. ISBN 978-0-415-40169-2.
American Naval History, An Illustrated Chronology of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, by Jack Sweetman, p. 114

"Partner Cities". Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners of the Americas. Archived from the original on 22 April 2017.

External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Masaya.

Leicester Masaya website

Coordinates: 11°58′N 86°06′W


Flag of Nicaragua Masaya Department
Capital: Masaya

Catarina La Concepción Masatepe Masaya Nandasmo Nindirí Niquinomo San Juan de Oriente Tisma


Ortega's forces capture Nicaragua opposition stronghold
,AFP•July 18, 2018

Masaya (Nicaragua) (AFP) - Nicaragua's government said Tuesday that forces loyal to President Daniel Ortega have seized control of the opposition stronghold city of Masaya, following fierce clashes with activists in the flashpoint neighborhood of Monimbo that rights groups say left at least two people dead.

Police and government-backed paramilitaries launched the organized attack on Masaya as international calls mounted for an end to months of deadly violence in the Central American country.

The government said on its website "today was the turn of Monimbo, Masaya, which now has streets that have been liberated from blockades," adding that now people can "move freely."

Alvaro Leiva, secretary of the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPDH), told AFP that the pro-Ortega forces had taken control of the city after several hours of combat and "excessive use of force."

The head of the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights, Vilma Nunez, said at least two people were killed -- an adult woman and a police officer.

The offensive on Masaya came on the heels of a bloody siege of student protesters holed up in a church in the capital Managua over the weekend, suggesting Ortega was intensifying the use of lethal force to quell dissent. His government says it is carrying out a "liberation" of towns and cities where protesters have been active.

Police and masked paramilitary units toting assault rifles on Tuesday sealed off all roads leading to Monimbo, from which gunfire could be heard. Videos posted on social media showed rebels inside the zone firing back, some with homemade mortars.

State media confirmed the death of the policeman but gave no other toll from the assault.

A group of journalists, including AFP, that tried to enter Monimbo to verify the situation were shot at by pro-government gunmen to prevent them approaching.

More than 1,000 men firing automatic weapons entered the city of 100,000 people early Tuesday, residents said.

"They're attacking us from various entry points in Monimbo," Cristian Fajardo, a leader of a student protest movement, said in a WhatsApp message.

"They're attacking Monimbo! The bullets are reaching the Maria Magdalena parish church, where the priest is sheltered," archbishop Silvio Baez wrote on Twitter.

"May Daniel Ortega stop the massacre! People of Monimbo I beg you, save yourselves!"

The US warned Ortega against pursuing the assault on Masaya. It called for a halt to the deadly crackdown on anti-government protests that has left some 280 people dead over the past three months.

"We strongly urge President Ortega not to attack Masaya," tweeted Francisco Palmieri, the US principal deputy assistant secretary of state for Western hemisphere affairs.

"Continued gov't-instigated violence and bloodshed in #Nicaragua must end immediately. The world is watching."

- 'Terror message' -

"They are shooting at houses in an irresponsible way. The message is that anyone who pops their head out will be killed: it's a message of terror," said ANPDH head Leiva.

The operation follows a violent week in Nicaragua in which students and opposition groups calling for Ortega's ouster came under attack several times amid widespread civil action.

Ten days ago at least 14 people died -- four of them police or paramilitaries -- after a raid by pro-government forces in the areas of Diriamba and Jinotepe, near Masaya.

Last week, five people -- four of them police officers -- died in clashes between opposition supporters and police backed by paramilitaries in the southeast town of Morrito while another operation by Ortega loyalists ended with at least 10 dead -- including four police -- on Sunday in Masaya.

On Monday, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres urged an end to the violence and a resumption of the stalled dialogue with the opposition.

In Brussels, Paul Oquist -- Nicaragua's minister for national policies and one of the cabinet members closest to Ortega -- told AFP in an interview on Tuesday that an attempted "coup" had been defeated.

"That is very good news because what it leaves then is dialogue, because the coup plotters did not want dialogue," Oquist said.

- 'Clean-up operation' -

The government launched its "clean-up" operation in Masaya this month in a bid to break through barriers of piled bricks and clear opposition activists from the streets.

The deadly clashes erupted on April 18, initially against a now-ditched pension reform.

That ignited long-simmering resentment against the veteran leader and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo.

The bloodshed caused business support for Ortega to evaporate, and the influential Catholic Church stepped in, attempting to mediate a peaceful solution.

The Vatican's representative in Nicaragua, Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag, on Tuesday called for an immediate truce and a return to dialogue.

The opposition insists Ortega resign. It has called for elections scheduled for 2021 to be brought forward to next year.

A former guerrilla leader, Ortega has been in power since 2007 following an earlier 11-year stint as leader after the 1979 overthrow of US-backed dictator Anastasio Somoza.

The 72-year-old president has dismissed the opposition demands, and doubled down on using force to get his way.

Clotho la Fileuse, Lachésis la Répartitrice et Atropos l'Implacable.
Vision fantastique.
“Combien de joies ne voyons-nous pas à nos pieds quand notre regard est perdu dans les nuages ?”
Catharina Goethe.

Juanes, Camisa Negra.
Ortega's forces capture Nicaragua opposition stronghold.
The town of Masaya y el Volcano.

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